duminică, 4 august 2013

Blueberry muffin

150 gr unt (butter)
4 oua (eggs)
140 gr zahar brun (brown sugar)
100 gr miere (honey)
300 ml lapte (milk- i used almond milk)
400 gr faina (flour)
1 l-ta praf copt (1 teaspoon backing p.)
1/4 l-ta sare (1/4 tsp salt)
vanilie (eu am bio-praf) (vanilla)
200 gr afine (blueberry)
Topim untul si il lasam la racit.  Batem bine ouale, apoi adaugam zaharul si mierea. Cand au ajuns spuma adaugam pe rand restul ingredientelor si batem in continuare cu mixerul la viteza mica. La final incorporam afinele cu o spatula amestecand de jos in sus si umplem formele de briose. Coacem la 150C cuptor electric (170 C cel pe gaz). Sunt yamm.

We melt the butter and let it cool down. I mixed the eggs on high speed, after I added the sugar and honey. When all looked like a foam I added the rest of ingredients letting the mixer on slow speed. At the end I added the bluebery witg a spatula slowly. I baked them in muffin form on 150C electric owen. Enjoy!

luni, 29 iulie 2013


For two good good friends Gyongyike and Gitta, happy birthday girls, lots of happiness to you!